If my wife decides to collect ss when she turns 62 in sept 18 her benifit would be about $700 I turn 66 in April 18 could I collect a spousal benefit from her for awhile or until I turn 70 ?and then collect my full benifits .
And could she then switch to spousal benifits from me when she turns 66 and 4 months
Yes, since you were born before 1954 and you would be over full retirement age (FRA) when your wife files for her benefits and assuming that you haven't already filed for your own benefits, you would then have the option to file just for spousal benefits only and allow your own benefit rate to grow until age 70.
If your wife files for her benefits and she could qualify for additional spousal benefits from your record when you file for your own benefits, she'll be deemed to have filed for the spousal benefits effective with your first month of entitlement to your own benefits. She wouldn't have the option of waiting until FRA to claim spousal benefits (https://www.ssa.gov/planners/retire/deemedfaq.html). Also, your wife will only qualify for additional spousal benefits if 50% of your FRA rate (PIA) is higher than her own PIA.
You and your wife may want to strongly consider using our maximization software in order to determine your best filing strategy.
Best, Jerry