Ask Larry

If I Start Drawing My Husband's Benefits Will They Take Away Mine?

My husband and I were married 27 years. He and I both were disabled young, and both received SSD. I in 2003-4 and him around 2000. He died in 2016 and I was not 50 yet. I won't be 50 for over a year. When I get his benefit, do they automatically take away mine? He made more than I did. If I got his when I turned 50 and they take away mine, can I work and still collect his?


I'm sorry for your loss.

It sounds like what you may qualify for at age 50 is a disabled widow's benefit, or DWB ( If what you are currently receiving is Social Security disability benefits (SSDI), then your SSDI won't stop if and when you start drawing DWB. Your DWB benefit would be calculated as 71.5% of the difference between your SSDI rate (PIA) and your husband's PIA, assuming that his PIA is higher than yours. The DWB benefit would then be paid in addition to your SSDI benefit.

However, if you receive Supplemental Security Income (SSI), your SSI could be reduced or stopped if you start drawing DWB benefits. SSI is a needs based benefit, so any change in your income could affect those payments.

Best, Jerry

Feb 15 2018 - 6:52am
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