Hi Larry,
I have been trying to understand the options for spousal benefits for social security but I have been very confused by what I have read. My husband is 66-1/2 years old. He has not filed for any benefits and he is not collecting social security. He has been retired for greater than one year. I am 63 years old, born in November 1954. I have not filed for any social security benefits. I am presently working but will be retiring from my present job soon; I will likely be looking for part time work.
Can I collect spousal benefits from my husband's social security? If so, does this change the amount he receives when he decides to file?
Can my husband collect spousal benefits from my social security? If so, does this change the amount I receive when I decide to file?
If one or both of us are eligible, is there any negative to collecting a spousal benefit? Also, if one or both of us is eligible for this, what is the process?
I look forward to hearing from you. Thank you so much for your assistance.
Hi Ilene,
You couldn't collect spousal benefits at least until your husband starts drawing his benefits, and if you file for spousal benefits you'll be deemed to also be applying for your own retirement benefits. In that case you would only receive the higher of the 2 rates, and your rate would be reduced for age if you started drawing prior to your full retirement age.
Your husband couldn't draw spousal benefits until you start drawing your benefits. But since he was born prior to January 2 1954, he could potentially file just for spousal benefits only without being deemed to also be filing for his own retirement benefits.
Your best strategy likely depends largely on your and your husband's relative benefit rates. You should strongly consider using the maximization software available on this website in order to compare your options and determine your best overall strategy for claiming benefits.
Best, Jerry