I was widowed at age 58 and turned 60 last month. I contacted SS about collecting widows benefit and was informed I was earning too much to qualify for it. I intent to continue working for at least five more years and yearly will be over the earnings annual limit. There is also a strong possibility I will re marry next year. Does my ability to collect widows SS against my late husband go away if I re marry? trying to cover all bases in case I cannot work for five more years. Thank you.
I'm sorry for your loss.
Remarriage after reaching age 60 would not affect your ability to receive widow's benefits.
Your best strategy is likely one of the following:
1) File for reduced widow's benefits at age 60 or as soon as your earnings will permit payment of some benefits, then switch to your own record at age 70; or,
2) File for reduced retirement benefits on your own record at age 62 or as soon as your earnings will permit payment of some benefits, then file for unreduced widow's benefits at your full retirement age.
The maximization software available on this website can help you determine which of these strategies is best in your case, as well as the best time for you to apply for each type of benefit considering your earnings.
Best, Jerry