Ask Larry

Can My Husband File And Suspend?

My husband reached full retirement age yesterday (3/15/2017). He has been on Social Security benefits for 2 years. He wanted to file and suspend his benefits until he is 70. The Social Security office told him he can't do it. Is this true? BTW, I was born 10/31/1958 and will have estimated full retirement benefits on my own work history of about half of his.
Can he file and suspend??


Yes, your husband can voluntarily suspend his benefits. He's already filed, though, so he doesn't need to file and suspend.

Your husband should re-contact Social Security and insist on voluntarily suspending his benefits. He may want to print out this section of Social Security's operations manual to show to the representative, if necessary: The examples in this reference clearly show that your husband is permitted to voluntarily suspend his benefits.

Best, Jerry

Mar 17 2017 - 6:30am
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