Ask Larry

How Will My Remarriage Affect My Railroad Retirement Benefits?

Larry: I am 68 My deceased husband and I worked for the Railroad and you may not know about RR Retirement but it is much like SS so you can answer as if SS. My husband died 14 years ago. I am collecting spousal benefits from my husband's account. I plan to collect my own RR Retirement at age 70 in July of 2018. I have been told that my husbands benefit will reduce when I collect my own RR Retirement, and supposedly my entire benefit will be increased by about $1000 per mo. In January 2019 I plan to marry and I will be 701/2 my new husband will be 611/2 at that time. How will this affect my benefits and will he be able to collect part of my benefits and at what age will that be and then when will he collect his own benefits for the maximum amount. I am hoping you can give me an answer. Thank you


I know how Railroad Retirement and Social Security benefits interact, but I have no expertise in Railroad Retirement benefits themselves. My understanding is that your remarriage won't affect your benefits, though, since you are already over age 60. For more information on Railroad Retirement benefits, refer to their website:

Best, Jerry

Jan 27 2017 - 12:45pm
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