Ask Larry

Would Your Software Help Us?

Hi Larry, I already purchased, read and highlighted your book, "GET WHAT'S YOURS". I retired 8 years ago and get my regular full SS retirement benefit. My wife still works at age 74 and will retire soon. During a period when she was unemployed, she applied for "early" SS retirement benefits at age 62, but later went back to work and now draws a reduced SS retirement benefit. I will happily purchase your computer program "Maximize My Social Security" if there is any way now to "maximize our social security" benefits. If I can't then there is no point. Question: Given our circumstances, will your computer program provide any guidance on how we can further maximize our SS benefits? Thanks.


Probably not. If you and your wife have both already applied for benefits, and if you're both age 70 or older, there are probably no options available to you. Of course, if one of you is receiving a benefit rate that is less than half of the other's, there is the possibility of eligibility for an excess spousal benefit. But, if you've read the book, you would likely know if you were missing out any benefits.

Best, Jerry

Nov 8 2016 - 12:00pm
MaxiFi software running on a laptop
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  • Step-by-Step filing instructions
  • Our software's lifetime-benefit increase for an illustrative couple earning $65K each and planning to take retirement benefits at 62.

    Results will differ based on your specific case and filing strategy.

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