Are there any reasons for not applying for social security spousal benefits even when there are various unknowns regarding SSA rules and eligibility situations? My thoughts are for applying and leaving all of the determinations necessary to the SSA. They are going to determine the eligibility and approve or not. Are my thoughts logical?
Well, if I understand your question correctly, I can tell you that there are no charges or penalties involved with filing an application for Social Security. If a person is unsure whether or not they qualify, they can file a claim with Social Security and receive a formal determination as to their eligibility.
The potential downside of applying for benefits without a full knowledge of your options is that you may end up with a disadvantageous outcome. For example, if you file for reduced spousal benefits before full retirement age, you are deemed to also be applying for reduced retirement benefits on your own account. So, there may be unintended consequences involved with filing a claim without knowing your options.
Best, Jerry