Ask Larry

Should My Wife Take Her Retirement Benefit Now, Or Will It Get Taxed Away?

My wife is full retirement age (66) and I am 62. She works for me, but only makes around $20k per year. When I retire, we will have around $1.5 million, plus some rental real estate. Her monthly SS right now would be $1500/month, and mine will be $2500/month at full retirement age, in 4 years. Should we collect her SS now, or would it get taxed away because I am still working? We can delay collecting hers if it is to our advantage. Thank you.

Depending on your Modified Adjusted Gross Income (MAGI) up to a maximum of 85% of your wife's Social Security retirement benefit will be subject to federal income tax. However, since the highest marginal income tax rate is 39.6%, it won't get taxed away. Our software, MaximizeMySocialSecurity, can determine the filing strategy that gives you the maximum lifetime Social Security benefits and it will also allow you to explore alternative "What-If" I do this instead strategies.


Jul 31 2016 - 11:30am
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