Ask Larry

Is My Wife's Spousal Rate Computed Based On My PIA Including The COLAs That Have Occured Since I Started My SS?

I am 72 and started drawing SS when I was 70 in order to get max benefits. When I reached FRA (66) my PIA was $2222. My question is regarding my spouses upcoming filing for SS benefits at her FRA (66 1/2). Since she had low earnings over her lifetime, she should receive 1/2 of my PIA. Does that $2222 PIA that I have get adjusted for COLA that occurred over the years since I started my SS or is it frozen at $2222.

Hi. Yes, your wife's unreduced spousal benefit rate would be based on 50% of your primary insurance amount (PIA) at the time she applies for spousal benefits, not your PIA at the time you reached full retirement age (FRA).

Best, Jerry

Nov 27 2022 - 1:37pm
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