Hi Larry,
Where can I find information from SSA on non-citizen spousal eligibility for benefits? The husband has SS credits and the wife does not. They live in Colorado and plan to retire in Florida. Thank you.
Hi Adam. The basic requirements for spousal benefits are outlined in the following section of Social Security's handbook: https://www.ssa.gov/OP_Home/handbook/handbook.03/handbook-0305.html. However, even if a wife technically qualifies for spousal benefits, she could only actually be paid benefits while residing in the U.S. if she is residing here legally.
Detailed information on which non-U.S. citizens can be paid benefits while living in the U.S. can be found in the following section of Social Security's operations manual: https://secure.ssa.gov/apps10/poms.nsf/lnx/0200303440.
Best, Jerry