Ask Larry

If I Purchase The Software, Will I Be Able To Have My Questions Answered Through Correspondence?

If I purchase the software, will I be able to have my questions like the ones below answered through correspondence, in addition to what I am able to glean from the book and the software? I plan on beginning to collect Social Security at age 70. My birthday is March 12, 1953. So what date should I indicate as the date I would like to start collecting Social Security? And how far in advance should I apply for Social Security to begin receiving it at that time, meaning what date should I put in my application?

Hi. Yes. Our software subscribers can submit an unlimited number of questions using the help menu on our website.

With regard to your other question, based on your date of birth you would want to choose March 2023 as your month of election (MOE) to start benefits in order to receive your maximum age 70 rate. That would be the benefit payment that Social Security pays in April 2023, since they pay benefits a month behind. You can apply for benefits up to 4 months prior to your MOE, so you could apply as early as November 1 2022 and be able to choose March 2023 as your MOE.

Best, Jerry

Apr 16 2022 - 1:17pm
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