I'm on SSDI. My stepson, his girlfriend and their child live in my home and I provide over half of their support. My stepson and the girlfriend are too old to draw benefits under my record. My stepson works but doesn't have enough income to fully support the 3 of them, the mother does not work. She is currently working on getting her GED and drivers license. Both parents are 23. My step grandson is 10 months old. He was born 3/19/16 and moved into my home on 5/13/16. Is my step grandson eligible for benefits under my disability benefits?
It doesn't sound like it. Both of his natural parents would have to be deceased or disabled in order for him to qualify for child's benefits on your record (https://secure.ssa.gov/apps10/poms.nsf/lnx/0200306235).
Best, Jerry