Ask Larry

Is My Plan Okay?

Hello Larry. Since I was misinformed at my local SS office shortly after the most recent change in SS law, I want to make sure I can file the way I plan. I am 64 years old. When I turn 66 (12-29-17), I plan to file for half my ex-husband's SS. (We were married 25 years and he turns 66 approximately 6 months before I do on 8-6-17.) In the event I have no other sources of income, I plan to defer my SS until age 70. (I am fortunate that currently I am employed full time.) Lastly: In the event his SS is higher, am I eligible to instead file for half of my first husband's SS? We were married for 11 years and he turned 66 on 11-8-15. Thanks for your help and articles clarifying critical SS information. I will check my plan with the software, but I'm pretty sure waiting until I'm 70 maximized mine, and I need the half of my ex-husband to supplement me until that time. Harriet

Hi Harriet,

Yes, as long as you remain unmarried, you can follow the strategy you outlined above. And yes, you can start out on the record of whichever of your ex-husband's has the highest unreduced benefit amount, then switch to your own record at age 70.

Best, Jerry

Jul 14 2016 - 9:00pm
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