Ask Larry

My Local Office Refused To Help Me File For Retirement Benefits

Dear Larry,

I went to a social security office first thing and was called at 10:20 to be told by an agent that I should open an acct and do this online. If it only takes 10 minutes, that's how long she spent with me and made a telephone appointment. I don't function well with computers as I always pick the wrong thing. My birthday was in June, am now 70 and they are telling me to apply for June benefits. Is this correct?

Best, Mimi

Dear Mimi,

Go back and ask to speak to a supervisor if filing online is a strain. You can also talk to them over the phone. They should be able to get this straight even over the phone. You do want to take your benefit retroactive to the month you turned 70, which is June -- and not a day earlier. Make sure they put this into the remarks section that you do not want benefits retroactive to before June. That will hurt you badly. Actually, I'd just go back and demand to meet with a supervisor and tell them you waited, you can't use a computer, and you, for good reason, don't trust people on the phone.

If they continue to refuse to help you at the office, write down their names and numbers and also the name of the local office and contact me again.

best, Larry

Jul 7 2016 - 8:30am
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