Ask Larry

Is It Too Late To Add Remarks To My Application?

I filed and suspended prior to my 66th birthday in May 2015. But the Remarks section of my application did not state that I wanted to begin receiving Benefits on my 70th birthday & that I wanted to refuse Retroactive Benefits. Can I still contact Social Security to add this to my application prior to the start of my Benefits in May 2019? Or am I stuck with getting Retroactive Benefits?


It doesn't sound like any additional action on your part is necessary. If you filed for and voluntarily suspended your benefits, Social Security should automatically reinstate your benefits effective with the month you reach age 70 unless you request reinstatement before then. And, Social Security won't pay you any retroactive benefits when your benefits are reinstated unless you specifically request them.

Best, Jerry

Mar 12 2019 - 11:12am
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