Ask Larry

Is It Possible To Start Your Social Security Early And Then Put It On Hold?

Is it possible to start your social security either early (at age 65) or at full retirement age and then put it on hold, if, say, you get a new job and that gives you an opportunity to strength the benefits you will receive later?
I was trying to understand what was meant by file and suspend, and it doesn't seem applicable to me. Thank you.


If you start drawing your benefits before full retirement age (FRA) you can't voluntarily suspend your benefits until the month you reach FRA. However, if you work and earn more than the Social Security earnings test exempt amount prior to FRA your benefits could be suspended involuntarily. And, if your benefits are suspended before you reach FRA as a result of your earnings, your benefit rate would be recalculated effective with the month you reach FRA in order to remove the reduction for age that was previously assessed for any months that your benefits aren't paid to you.

If you're already drawing your benefits when you reach FRA you could then voluntarily suspend your benefits in order to earn delayed retirement credits (DRC). DRCs would add 2/3rds of 1% to your benefit rate for each month, or 8% per year, that you voluntarily suspend your benefits between FRA and age 70.

Best, Jerry

Aug 26 2019 - 5:20pm
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