Ask Larry

Is It Best For Me To Wait Until FRA?

I am 65 years old and currently not working. I plan to wait until FRA at 66 and 4 months to file. My wife is 63 and eligible to file under her own account if necessary. Our 22 year old Down Syndrome son has been disabled since birth. My son receives payment under SSI currently.
Is it best for me to wait until FRA?
Can my wife file at the same time as I at 64 under her own account or as spouse?
Can we file all 3 at the same time?
Are we subject to Family Maximum Benefit rules?
Thank you for your help on this.

Hi. I can't tell you when the best time to file would be because too many factors are involved. You should really consider using our software ( to fully analyze all of your options so that you can determine what you feel is your best strategy for maximizing benefits for your family.

I can tell you that you and your wife and son can all file for benefits simultaneously, and the family maximum benefit (FMB) will apply. You won't all be able to file online, though, so if you choose that option your son at least will need to apply by phone with a Social Security representative.

If you and your wife both apply for benefits based on your individual earnings histories, then your and your wife's FMBs can likely be combined to free up more total benefits to be paid to your family. However, it might initially be more beneficial for one of you to apply for your own benefits and have the other apply just for child in care spousal benefits. The software can help you decide that.

Another thing that I can tell you is that if and when your son qualifies for disabled adult child's (DAC) benefits, his Supplemental Security Income (SSI) payments will be offset more or less dollar for dollar by the amount of his DAC benefit.

Best, Jerry

Sep 29 2021 - 7:03pm
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