Ask Larry

If I Take My Retirement Benefit First Can I Switch to My Spouse's Benefit When My Husband Takes His Benefit?

I'm am going to be 65 the end of July, my husband is just 62 and doesn't want to take his benefits till he's at least 66, hopefully 70. If I begin taking my SS benefits at 65 can I switch to my husbands when he takes his? His will be a lot more than mine. I've heard a few different answers. One person told me that I could do that as long as my share of my husbands SS is twice as much as mine........which they are. Another person told me that in order to take advantage of that plan I must wait till I'm 66 to open my claim. Can you please clarify?


Yes, you can take your retirement benefit at age 65 and then switch to your spouse's benefit, if it's larger, when your husband files for his retirement benefit. Your retirement benefit will be reduced if you take it before your full retirement age. Our software, MaximizeMySocialSecurity, can determine the filing strategy that gives you the maximum lifetime benefits.

Jul 13 2016 - 2:30pm
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