Ask Larry

If I Start Drawing Railroad Benefits At Age 62, Can I File For Social Security At Age 70 Without Incurring An Age Reduction?

Hello Again Jerry - Yesterday (1/19/18) I posted a question regarding the Tier 1 age reduction created by filing for "early retirement" benefits from Social Security, and then subsequently filing for Railroad Retirement at my full retirement age of 66 years, 4 months. Shortly after sending my post I discovered the answer (noted in Railroad Retirement Board booklet RB 1, Age and Service Annuity, chapter 15 A 1, located on page# 11). Now I'd like to pose the reverse question which you may be able to help me with. If I take "early retirement" benefits from Railroad Retirement at age 62 can I collect those benefits, and then file for Social Security at age 70 and receive those benefits without incurring an age reduction from Social Security for taking "early retirement" benefits from Railroad Retirement. Thanks again ... I really appreciate your help!


Yes. As I'm sure you understand, though, if and when you do file for both Social Security (SS) and Railroad Retirement (RR) benefits you'll only be paid the higher of your SS rate or your Tier 1 RR rate, plus any Tier 2 RR benefits to which you're entitled.

Best, Jerry

Jan 21 2018 - 10:23am
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