I'm collecting spousal SS based on an ex-spouse. If I re marry after age 60 can I Continue collecting on my Ex-spouse? If not and I have to switch to my new spouse, do I have to wait? Same question for a survivor benefit.
Hi. If you're drawing divorced spousal benefits based on the account of a living ex-spouse then a remarriage at any age would terminate your benefits unless you marry someone who is receiving Social Security widow(er)'s, mother's, father's, childhood disability, divorced spouse's, or parents benefits (https://secure.ssa.gov/apps10/poms.nsf/lnx/0300202045). However, if what you're receiving is surviving divorced spousal benefits then a remarriage at age 60 or older would not affect your benefits.
If you are collecting is divorced spousal benefits based on the account of a living ex-spouse and if a remarriage causes your benefits to terminate then you could potentially qualify for spousal benefits on your new spouse's account as early as the first full month of marriage. In other words, if you got married on any day other than the first day of a month then your earliest possible month of eligibility for benefits on the account of your new spouse would be the month after the month of your marriage. However, you could only qualify for spousal benefits on your new spouse's record if he or she is drawing Social Security retirement or disability (SSDI) benefits.
Best, Jerry