Hello Larry, My wife and I were both born in 1953. Our PIA's are almost the same. She began her benefit in 2019 and I started my spousal benefit based on her record, deferring mine until I turn 70. If I should pass before then, can she suspend her benefit, take a widow's benefit and let hers accumulate DRC's until she turns 70?
No. Once a person files for their own Social Security retirement benefit that becomes their primary benefit for life. If you died, your wife could file for widow's benefits if your rate is higher than hers, but her own benefit entitlement would continue. What she'd then be paid is her own benefit, plus a partial survivor benefit equal to the difference in your respective benefit rates. That would result in a combined benefit rate equal to your higher rate.
Your wife could suspend her benefits in the event of your death in order to earn delayed retirement credits (DRC), but if she did so she wouldn't be paid either her own benefit or her widow's benefit (https://www.ssa.gov/planners/retire/suspend.html). And, if she suspended her benefits while you're living, you couldn't be paid spousal benefits for as long as her benefits are suspended.
Best, Jerry