Ask Larry

If I Ask For Six Months Of Retroactive Payments, What Benefit Rate Will I Receive?

I will be 69 come January 2021. If I ask for 6 months retro retirement payments, what payment amount will I get going forward from January 2021? (Age 68.5 or age 69 rate). Thanks

Hi Gary,

If you turn 69 in January 2021 and if you apply in that month and request 6 months of back pay, you'll get the monthly benefit rate that you would have received if you'd started drawing your benefits effective with July 2020. So in other words, you'd get your age 68.5 rate. Asking for retroactive benefits after reaching full retirement age (FRA) simply results in losing the delayed retirement credits (DRC) that you would otherwise have received for those months.

It sounds like you should strongly consider using our software ( to analyze your various options in order to determine the best strategy for maximizing your benefits.

Best, Jerry

Jul 6 2020 - 12:40pm
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