Ask Larry

How Will My Spousal Benefit Be Affected When My Husband Starts Collecting His Benefits At Age 66?

I am a wife collecting ($1500) 50% of my husband's Social Security. How is my benefit affected next year when my husband starts collecting his at 66? I am 68. Thank You

Hi. Unless you're receiving divorced spousal benefits, your husband would have to be entitled to his benefits in order for you to be able to collect benefits as his spouse. About the only way that you could be receiving benefits on a current spouse's account who isn't drawing their own benefits is if their benefits are suspended for some reason (e.g. incarceration, or they filed for and voluntarily suspended their benefits prior to April 30 2016, etc.). If that is what's involved in your case, your spousal benefit rate won't change as a result of the reinstatement of your husband's benefit payments.

Best, Jerry

Jun 12 2021 - 4:40pm
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