Ask Larry

How Soon Can I Sign Up?

I'm waiting to apply for my social security until 67 years and 2 months ( which will be February 28, 2023) to receive an extra $200.00 on the month. How soon can I sign up to receive this benefit? I've been told 4 months before this date. Is this true?
Also, can I sign up without my employer knowing ? I want to work until the end of April 2023 to stay within the amount I am allowed to make.

Hi. You can apply for benefits up to 4 months prior to the month you want your benefits to start, so you can apply now if you want to start your benefits effective with February 2023.

And, yes, you can apply for benefits without your employer knowing. You aren't required to notify your employer when you apply for Social Security, and Social Security typically wouldn't need to contact your employer for any reason. To be safe, though, it would probably be a good idea to add a remark to your application telling Social Security that you don't want them to contact your employer.

By the way, if you'll be turning age 67 in February 2023, then you don't need to worry about an earnings limit. Once you reach full retirement age (FRA), which in your case was 66 & 2 months if you were born in 1955, there is no limit on how much you can earn and still be paid all of your benefits. However, before you decide when to start your benefits you should strongly consider using our software ( to make sure you choose the best strategy for maximizing your benefits.

Best, Jerry

Nov 16 2022 - 4:12pm
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