Ask Larry

How Should I Proceed To Use MMSS?

spouse started receiving early retirement social security. was living with me. i am disabled and last month was awarded disability for 2 yrs then reevaluate. husband has since left (abandoned ) before disability judgement. no official separation paperwork in place. how should i proceed to MMSS?


I would need a lot of additional information to be able to advise you properly. I assume you mean that you've been awarded Social Security disability (SSDI) benefits, but you don't mention your age or the benefit amounts that you and your husband receive, so I can't determine what other options may be available to you.

If you choose to use our software, you can find enrollment information by clicking on the 'Purchase' link at the top of this page. The software will prompt you to enter the information needed to analyze your options and determine your best overall strategy going forward. Once you've signed up for the software, you can submit any questions you may have using an online contact form in the help menu and your questions will be answered by one of our experts with access to your customer data.

Best, Jerry

May 10 2019 - 4:11pm
MaxiFi software running on a laptop
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