Ask Larry

How Much Should I Be Getting?

I am a widow age 87 Am I supposed to collect 100% of my husbands social security?
His gross in the year he died is $2000.00 more that mine is . How can this be corrected I can not figure out how they arrived at this figure


The surviving member of a couple generally gets the higher of their 2 benefit rates, however, the rate could vary somewhat if either the deceased or the surviving spouse started drawing benefits before full retirement age.

If you are also entitled to benefits on your own record, Social Security would continue to pay your own benefit rate plus the difference between that amount and your husband's full rate provided that his rate was higher. For example, say Jill receives unreduced retirement benefits of $1500 and her husband Jack receives $2000. If Jack dies first, Jill would get her own benefit plus the difference in the 2 amounts, or a total of $2000 (i.e. $1500 + $500).

Best, Jerry

Sep 29 2017 - 6:43am
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