Ask Larry

How Does Social Security Figure The Amount Of Survivor Benefits?

My husband, for 10 years, worked for CSX railroad, and then at a job he in which paid into Social Security for 27 years.
I did not pay enough into SS on my own, so collect as a spouse.
Railroad Retirement says if he dies, I will no longer get my benefits from RR, but through SS.
How does SS figure the amount? Equal, less?

Hi. There are too many variables involved for me to be able to give you a definitive answer. Social Security would calculate any survivor benefits payable from your husband's account the same as they would for any other deceased person, however, they could use your husband's years of railroad earnings in the calculation. That means that if your husband is collecting Social Security retirement benefits, then your unreduced survivor benefit would probably at least be equal to the amount of Social Security that your husband was collecting at the time of his death.

Best, Jerry

Jun 15 2021 - 1:23pm
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