Ask Larry

How Do We Go About Reinstating My Husband's Benefits?

we suspended my huband's benefits at age 66. Now we would like to resume them effective April 2018. How do we do this?


Assuming that your husband isn't turning age 70 in April 2018, he will need to contact Social Security to request reinstatement of his benefits. The request can be made orally or in writing, and if your husband suspended his benefits after April 29 2016 he will need to make his request no later than in March 2018 if he wants to reinstate his benefits effective with April 2018 (

Benefits that are in voluntary suspension are automatically reinstated by Social Security effective with the month that the person turns age 70, so if your husband is turning 70 in April 2018 he wouldn't need to do anything. If that's not the case, your husband may want to use the maximization software available on this website to make sure that he's making the best possible decision.

Best, Jerry

Dec 15 2017 - 6:55am
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