Ask Larry

How Can We Know Our Benefit Amounts at Different Dates?

I just turned 65 and filed for ss benefits and my benefit is 2210 with my fra being 2483. My wife turns 62 this year and her benefit at 62 is 379. I know she can get a spousal benefit we been married for 40 yrs. I just don't know how much she can get this yr. or how much she can get by waiting. Can you answer this for me. Thanks Thanks, Brian

Brian, if she waits until her FRA, her spousal benefit will be 50% of what your retirement benefit would have been had you waited till your FRA to file. If she claims early, it will be reduced. The exact numbers depend on your exact work histories and birthdates. In addition to determining your maximized strategy and letting you see the effects of alternative what-if strategies, our software will accurately calculate your benefit amounts based on various filing dates you can enter. Thanks, John

Jul 2 2016 - 3:15pm
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