Ask Larry

Does An Un-Suspension Count As An Application For Benefits That Can Be Withdrawn?

After receiving Social Security disability benefits, I suspended retirement benefits starting the month I reached full retirement age, to earn delayed retirement credits.

Well under a year ago, I un-suspended benefits for two months, then re-suspended them.

Does the un-suspension count as an application for benefits for the purpose of filing a form SSA-521? If possible, I would be interested in repaying the two months of benefits received and earning the additional delayed retirement credits.


No, a request for reinstatement of benefits that are in voluntary suspense is not an application. Therefore, you can't retroactively withdraw the request like you potentially could with an application. Unfortunately, it doesn't sound like there's any way for you to undo your past reinstatement of benefits.

Best, Jerry

Jan 29 2019 - 8:40am
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