Ask Larry

Do You Lose Your Ability To Receive Medicaid If You Have A Judgment Against You?

Do lose your ability to receive Medicaid if you have a judgment against you?

My sister fraudulently took out a loan in my 78 year old mother's name. The loan payment for it is $745 a month and she doesn't collect enough social security to cover this and I cannot keep paying it myself. Mom doesn't want to turn in my sister to the police. If she files bankruptcy, is she denied Medicaid? Thank you for your time

Hi. I'm sorry, but I'm unable to answer your question. My expertise is limited to Social Security benefits, and the Medicaid program is administered by the individual states, not by Social Security.

I don't know if you'll find it helpful, but the following link to Medicare's website has some information about bankruptcies:

Best, Jerry

Jul 25 2022 - 2:53pm
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