Ask Larry

Do I Understand My Options Correctly?

I am reading Get What's Yours. I am 59 and 10 months old. I had planned on retiring at 66 and 8 months, my FRA. But now, am wondering if I am understanding your 'rules' correctly. I was married for 15 years, and have now been divorced for another 15 years. My ex made considerably more money than I have. He is 8 years older than I, turning 69 at the end of this month. he has been collecting his SS for several years now. IF I understand correctly, I can file for spousal benefits at 62, and allow my own account to continue to grow, as well as still work - at least part time - (or maybe full time), until 70? Then switch it to my own retirement benefit?


No. Since you were born after January 1 1954, you couldn't file for divorced spousal benefits at any age without also being deemed to file on your own record ( As a result, you could only receive essentially the higher of those two benefits, and your benefit rate will be reduced for age if you file prior to your full retirement age.

However, if your ex dies before you file for your retirement benefits you would then have the option of filing just for surviving divorced spousal benefits at age 60 or later while letting your own benefit rate grow until age 70.

You may want to consider using the maximization software available on this website to explore your options and determine your best filing strategy.

Best, Jerry

Nov 6 2017 - 1:51pm
MaxiFi software running on a laptop
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