Ask Larry

Do I Need To Do Anything To Prevent Retroactive Benefits?

In 2015, I filed and suspended. I was 68. My wife filed for spousal benefits in June, 2015. She was 66. I received a letter from the Social Security Administration stating that they will automatically reinstate my benefit at age 70 (Nov, 2016), adding the special credits to my benefit account. My question is: Will Social Security actually start my full benefits in Nov, 2016 automatically, without any retroactive payments? If not, what do i need to do? I do not want the retroactive payments.


No, you don't need to take any further action. Social Security should automatically reinstate your benefits effective with the month you reach age 70. Social Security payments for November arrive in December.

Your wife, of course, will need to apply for benefits on her own account when she reaches age 70, assuming that her own benefit amount is higher at that time than her spousal benefit.

Best, Jerry

Aug 18 2016 - 12:15pm
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