I am on SSI and SA, I was told by Social Security that when my ex-husband reaches age 62 this Nov., because we were married over 10 years, I will be eligible for a percent of his SSI. I am only getting about $760. a month and I have Medicaid. My ex-husband is a Civil Engineer. I have 2 questions;
1. Do I have to take his SSI?
2. What is th e4cap on income before they take Medicaid away in WV?
Thank you kindly,
Hi Tamara,
If you receive Supplemental Security Income (SSI), then you are required to file for any Social Security benefits for which you qualify as soon as you meet the requirements for eligibility. So, assuming that you meet the other requirements for divorced spousal benefits (https://www.ssa.gov/OP_Home/handbook/handbook.03/handbook-0311.html) when your ex-husband turns age 62, you would either have to file for divorced spousal benefits or lose your SSI benefits.
I'm sorry, but Social Security is my only area of expertise so I'm unable to answer your Medicaid question. You will likely need to check with the agency that administers that program in your area.
Best, Jerry