Ask Larry

Did Social Security Calculate My Family's Benefits Correctly?

I applied and get ss $2238 at age 62. have 2 kids 9yo and 14yo they get $1119.00 ea. wife applied for spouse benefit and I recieive notice that kids benefits are reduced to $746 and wife is $746. did they do this right?

Hi. Yes, it sounds like it. There is a family maximum benefit (FMB) limit on the amount that can be paid from any person's Social Security record. Apparently the FMB limit in your case allows up to $2238 to be paid to eligible family members each month in addition to your own benefit. If just your 2 children were drawing benefits they would split the $2238 2 ways, but with your wife also eligible the available FMB amount must be split 3 ways.

Individually, your children or spouse could be paid up to 50% of your primary insurance amount (PIA), and your PIA is equal to your unreduced full retirement age (FRA) rate. But, if more than one family member is eligible for benefits on your record, they can't be paid their full rate without going over the FMB.

Best, Jerry

May 31 2021 - 2:18pm
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