Ask Larry

Did I Make The Right Choice?

I received divorced spousal benefits at 66 ( the age I thought I was eligible )- could I have gotten those benefits earlier ( though a moot point now)?
I have now taken my own benefit ( turning 70) and took the option 1 ( six month back payout and a little bit less each month than if waited til 70 th
birthday). Finally, Medicare was paid twice for those six months - ( was deducted from the payout)-how to I get that reimbursed?
Thank you!!!


You had to wait until full retirement age, or 66, to file just for divorced spousal benefits without also being deemed to have applied on your own. So, that was the right thing to do.

You probably would have been better off in the long run to have waited until age 70 to start drawing on your own record, instead of choosing the 6 month back pay in return for a 4% lower monthly benefit amount.

The duplicate Medicare withholding should be automatically refunded to you within a few months. If it isn't, you will need to follow up with Social Security.

Best, Jerry

Aug 5 2016 - 11:15am
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