Ask Larry

Can You Confirm That I Will Continue To Accrue Delayed Retirement Credits While I'm Collecting Railroad Survivor Benefits?

I am 63 years old and looking at my retirement options.

I have confirmed that I can collect Divorced Ex-Spouse Survivor benefits from my deceased ex-husband's Railroad Retirement. My plan is to collect Railroad Retirement from age 65-70 (use as a "bridge"), then collect my own Social Security at age 70.

Can you confirm that I will continue to accrue delayed retirement credits on my social security so that I collect the maximum amount at age 70? I want to ensure I am not age-penalized by collecting Railroad Retirement at age 65.

Also, where can I find this information/confirmation in writing, that is, in an official document? It's hard to plan something so major without official documentation of some sort.

Thanks for your help.


Hi Linda. Yes, I can confirm that you can continue to earn delayed retirement credits (DRC) even while you are collecting Railroad benefits, and I'm basing that on my experience as a retired Social Security technical expert who spent 36 years with Social Security.

Social Security's operations manual only lists the requirements for earning DRCs. It does not attempt to list everything that a person could be collecting and still accrue DRCs, such as Social Security survivor benefits, private pensions, and Railroad benefits, etc.

The only requirements for earning DRCs are as follows:
1) The person is at least full retirement age and under age 70;
2) The person is insured for and is eligible for Social Security retirement benefits; and,
3) The person was not paid Social Security retirement benefits (

Best, Jerry

Oct 22 2021 - 12:06pm
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