Ask Larry

Can You Clarify This For Me?

The MMSS tool consistently maximizes my benefits by recommending filing for my survivors benefit first and then switching to my retirement benefit at age 70. This is true over numerous what if scenarios with my age at the time of filing from anywhere between 61 and 64. Yet even with modest income projections, my retirement benefit surpasses my deceased wife's PIA at around age 62. This would appear to conflict with the last statement of the following excerpt from the "What's Under The Hood" document on the MMSS website:

31. Widow(er)’s insurance benefits
If you were married to your deceased spouse at least 9 months and you are 60 or above, or if you are at least age 50 but under 60 and you meet the disability requirements as defined by Social Security, you may be eligible for widow(er)’s benefits. You also must not have remarried before age 60, your deceased spouse must have achieved fully insured status (#4, this section), and you must not be entitled to a retirement insurance benefit that equals or exceeds your deceased spouse’s PIA.

Can you clarify this for me? Specifically - Can I choose to collect a survivor's benefit at age 62-64 and defer my retirement benefit to age 70 even though my retirement benefit at the time of filing is greater than my deceased wife's PIA?

Thank you.


Yes. 'Entitled to' means that you have filed for and been approved for a particular benefit. You can potentially draw widower's benefits regardless of the amount of your own retirement benefits as long as you haven't yet filed for and been approved for retirement benefits.

Best, Jerry

Sep 24 2017 - 6:47am
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