Ask Larry

Can the Software Help Us if We've already Filed?

Hi, my wife and I already filed for SS at age 62 and 63 and collect/receive SS. We are both now 67. Filing early was a necessary, though not optimal income decision because of the recession, with health issues, kids still in school, etc. Can the software potentially help those who have already filed & receive SS, as neither of us has looked into or changed anything since our initial application and filing in 2011? Thanks, Ben

Ben, yes our software will take the fact that you have both already filed into consideration when determining how to maximize your lifetime household benefits. Either or both of you can suspend receipt of your retirement benefits to earn delayed retirement credits up to age 70 and so partially offset the reductions you've incurred due to filing early. Thanks, John

Jul 6 2016 - 8:30pm
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  • Our software's lifetime-benefit increase for an illustrative couple earning $65K each and planning to take retirement benefits at 62.

    Results will differ based on your specific case and filing strategy.

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