Ask Larry

Can My Wife File For Spousal Benefits Only At FRA & Switch To Her Own Record Before Age 70?

Question about the "Free Spousal/Restricted" benefit? I turned 66 last April (2016) and applied for my full social security benefit. I am currently receiving a monthly check. My wife is turning 66 this November and will be applying for social security within the next couple of days. If my wife claims the Free Spousal benefit and defers her social security dollars until 70..... does she have the option of taking her social security benefit prior to the age of 70... if she decides not to wait until 70 (assuming that she would give up the spousal benefit at that time). The question is..... once she claims a spousal benefit can my wife opt to end that benefit and claim her benefit prior to the age of 70? Thanks.... Jim

Hi Jim,

Yes, your wife would be free to switch to her own benefit anytime. If she waits until age 70 to file on her own account, her benefit will be 32% higher than her full retirement age benefit. If she switches sooner, she'll lose a proportional percentage of those delayed retirement credits.

Best, Jerry

Aug 22 2016 - 11:30am
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