Ask Larry

Can My Wife File For Railroad Spousal Benefits Without Jeopardizing Her Future Social Security Benefits?

I just turned 66 in January 2020 and applied for RR retirement (Tier 1 and 2) because is was an higher amount then my Social Security benefit would have been. I work for 10+ years for the Railroad Company and then another 30 years of employment outside of Railroad employment. When I applied for my RR retirement, they said my wife was entitled to a $1400 per month spousal benefit. She is still working and plans to retire from her job in a couple of years. She will be 66 in March 2020.
We are in a financial position that we really do not need the funds but want to maximize our position and not jeopardize her future social security payments. We would like to defer her Social Security payments until she turns 70 years of age. Her current projected SS payments are larger than she would get as a spousal benefit from the RRB.
Seems to me if she starts her RR benefit at age 66, she might be jeopardizing her future payments from Social Security. I have received positive answers from verbal conversations with employees of SSA and RRB but I do not feel they understand what I am trying to accomplish.
Short Version:
My RRB retirement = 2800.00
Spousal Benefit 1400.00 start taking at 66 end at age 70
Spouse defer taking SS benefit until age 70 which will be significantly higher.
Seems like this is double dipping.
I realize that this is not your direct area of expertise and under there could be a fee for the service.


As long as your wife doesn't start drawing her Social Security benefits prior to age 70, her benefit rate will continue to increase as a result of delayed retirement credits (DRC). That's true even if she draws spousal benefits from the Railroad Retirement system prior to age 70.

Best, Jerry

Feb 10 2020 - 12:50pm
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