Ask Larry

Can My Wife File For Her Benefits First, And Spousal Benefits Later?

Hi VP-Got a quick question for you that I think I know the answer but I want to confirm. My wife is five years older than me. If she filed for her own SS at her FRA, can she switch to spousal benefit when I apply at either 66/10 or 70? I think congress might have closed this "loophole" but there are only about five million rules, I could be wrong.

Thank you.


She couldn't 'switch', but she could potentially qualify for an excess spousal benefit when you file. The excess spousal benefit would be calculated starting with 1/2 of your full retirement age benefit amount (PIA), then subtracting her own PIA. If she is at least full retirement age when she starts each benefit, the net result would be that she'd end up with a combined benefit equal to 1/2 of your full retirement age benefit.

Best, Jerry

Sep 5 2016 - 11:45am
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