Ask Larry

Can My Husband Get His Social Security Even If I'm Still Working?

If I am 53 and my husband is 62 and he wants to retire, can he get social security even if I am still working?, is he affected because I am still working? How does that work with our age difference? I don't plan to retire until I am 65 or so but he wants to retire now at 62. Or can he receive his benefits at a reduced amount and I still continue to work until I am 65 and not 67?


Yes, he could. Your earnings would have no effect on your husband's ability to draw his own Social Security benefits. The difference between your ages and your planned retirement age are irrelevant with regard to your husband drawing benefits on his own Social Security record.

However, if your husband starts drawing his Social Security retirement benefits when he reaches age 62 his benefit rate will be reduced for age by roughly 27.5%. Additionally, if your husband starts drawing his benefits early it would limit your potential widow's benefit rate if your husband dies before you. That may or may not be significant, though, depending on whether or not your own Social Security benefit rate will be higher than your husband's rate.

Before he files, your husband may want to strongly consider using our software ( to explore and compare all of his various options so that he can choose the best possible filing strategy.

Best, Jerry

Aug 19 2019 - 5:42pm
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