Ask Larry

Can My Husband Apply For Spousal Benefits At FRA And Then Switch To His Own Benefits At Age 70?

Hi Larry,
I was born 6/2/54 so have reached FRA. I just applied for SS benefits, to begin in November 2020. My husband was born on 10/10/56 so won't reach FRA until 66 years and 4 months or so. His benefits at full retirement age are pretty low so he plans to work as long as he can. My questions is this: Can he apply for spousal benefits at FRA and then switch to his own primary benefits at age 70? His benefits at age 70 will be higher than 50% spousal benefits.


No, he can't. Only people born prior to January 2 1954 are permitted to file for spousal benefits without also filing for their own benefits at the same time. You and your husband should strongly consider using our software ( to analyze your options so that you can determine your best strategy for maximizing your benefits.

Best, Jerry

Jul 28 2020 - 9:40am
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