Ask Larry

Can My Friend Change The Type Of Benefit She Applied For?

A friend applied for Social Security benefits a few years back. During the application process they asked her if she wanted to use her work history or her husband's to calculate the benefits. Not knowing exactly what it meant she decided to use hers. Unfortunately, she should have used her husbands since she was a homemaker for the majority of her life. She is receiving benefits, but I wonder if there is a way she could change her benefits to use her husband's work history? What would be required to make this change? Thanks


She probably wouldn't be allowed a total do-over, but if she could get higher benefits on her husband's record she could file another application for spousal benefits, or widow's benefits if her husband is deceased. Her best strategy depends on a number of variables not mentioned in your question (age, benefit rates, etc.), though, so she may want to consider using the maximization software available on this website to explore her options.

Best, Jerry

May 12 2017 - 8:23am
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