Ask Larry

Can My Boyfriend Get Any Additional Benefits From His Deceased Wife's Record?

Larry I sent you wrong info about my current boyfriend I had told you his wife died from cancer after 34 years of marriage he was born June 26 1950 .. He was not yet 62 when she passed.. He drew from his wife's benefits a few months as she had passed until he hit 62 a few months later.. and then he drew from his own which was higher.. Is he still eligible for anything of his wife's benefits as I think social security probably screwed him up.. He only drew something from her passing just a few short months before converting to his own benefits at age 62 .. He is now 67.. Anything at all he may be eligible for and at what age should he be eligible if so?


No, it doesn't sound like it. If your eligible for Social Security benefits more than one record you can only get the higher rate, not both. He probably should have waited and allowed his own retirement rate to grow until age 70 before switching from widower's benefits to his own record, but it's too late for do-overs at this point.

Best, Jerry

Sep 21 2017 - 7:00am
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