I am drawing social security disability insurance benefits. My date of birth is 01/15/1953. It won't be much longer and I will be 66 and I will want to suspend my social security retirement benefits until age 70. How does my ssdi affect this as it will automatically convert to regular ss retirement benefit at age 66? I have read that you can not suspend benefit once you have started them. Will I be given an opportunity to suspend my ss retirement benefits before my ssdi ends? Please help - I don't want to screw this up and I very much want to suspend my ss retirement benefits when I reach full retirement age 66. Thanks
Yes, you can voluntarily suspend your benefits effective with the month you reach full retirement age (FRA), which is January 2019 in your case. You cannot, however, receive any other type of benefits (e.g. spousal, widow's) while your retirement benefits are in suspense.
You must request suspension no later than the month prior to the month that you wish to have your benefits suspended, so you will need to make your request by December 2018 in order to start the suspension effective January 2019. I would suggest submitting a written request via form SSA-795 (https://www.ssa.gov/forms/ssa-795.pdf), even though a written request is not technically required.
Best, Jerry