Ask Larry

Can I Take Widow's Benefits Now And My Own Benefits At Age 70?

My husband suddenly passed away at age 64 while he was still working. I am 64 and retired however have been living off him and his income and haven't taken any benefits up to this point. I am uncertain if I can wait until age 66 to reach my FRA to pay for our real estate and living expenses, etc. In addition, based on my health it is uncertain if I will reach life expectancy or longer. I think the best is to take his ss benefits now and if I'm lucky, take my ss benefits at 70 (as the less paid). Can I do that?


I'm sorry for your loss.

Yes, you could potentially take widow's benefits now and your own retirement at age 70, but that may not be your best option. If your unreduced widow's benefit rate would be higher than your own retirement benefit rate even if you waited until age 70, you would likely be better off filing for reduced retirement benefits now and then filing for unreduced widow's benefits at age 66. However, if your husband received reduced retirement benefits prior to his death, that could alter your optimal filing strategy.

Assuming that you're insured for benefits on your own record, you should almost certainly apply for either retirement or widow's benefits ASAP. Any reduction for age that you take on one record would not carry over to your potential benefit rate on the other record. The maximization software available on this website can help you determine which type benefit you should file for first, and when to file for each type of benefit.

Best, Jerry

Jun 1 2017 - 7:51am
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