Hi Larry - I’m 61 years of age and I’ve been notified by Railroad Retirement that I’m eligible to receive an annuity, as I have119 months of credited RR service. I also have earned enough credits to qualify for Social Security “early retirement” benefits at age 62. My question is can I file for and receive “early retirement” benefits from Social Security at 62, and then file for and receive Railroad Retirement benefits, without a Tier 1 Age Reduction at my full retirement age of 66 years, 4 months. I’m aware that my Railroad Retirement benefits will be offset by any Social Security benefits I receive, hence my specific question is will I be subject to the Railroad Retirement Tier 1 Age Reduction by taking Social Security “early retirement”.
I'm sorry, I have some basic knowledge of Railroad Retirement benefits but I'm not an expert on that program. You'll probably need to contact the Railroad Retirement Board and address your questions to them.
Best, Jerry